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Friday 30 March 2012


I thought Sud would be a bit miffed by Jules sudden marriage, but he was completely nonchalant about the unexpected turn of events. I mentioned to him that it would be nice to see him around, even though my sister was not there, and that he should keep coming over if he felt so inclined. It slowly became routine for him to drive over on Saturday evening, spend time with me, then go over to Jerry for some serious drinking and an overnight stay.
I was feeling more strongly towards him and knew he was attracted to me as well, but he never committed to anything or made any dramatic lovey-dovey statements. It was nerve wracking for me, so one evening I decided to lay it all on the line and told him exactly how I felt. He was affectionate and warm but did not say "Oh I feel the same way" or "I love you too" so I did begin to think I was making a bit of a fool of myself.
The parents were also quite unsettled by the relationship. They knew I was getting too deeply involved, but whenever they asked me what was happening or what his intentions were I had to honestly tell them I had no idea. They feared he would take me for a ride and then move out on a posting, leaving me nursing a broken heart.
I was still not allowed to attend parties at the air force station. Sud had a Yezdi bike and this form of transport was taboo in the Egan household. In exasperation he finally asked his flight commander Squadron Leader Harish Masand, if he could pick me up for a party and then drop me back after. Harish happily agreed until he realised that he would have to drive seventeen kilometres to fetch me,  then seventeen kilometres back to the party, then another seventeen to drop me and still another seventeen before he finally got home. He did it gamely a couple of times with his wife Malini sitting up front for company, before telling his young officer to just borrow his car and do the needful because the whole up down travel was too much of a pain.
My father eventually decided to have a chat with my man and ask him what his intentions were. I was listening with my ear glued to the door while they were talking, and my heart sank when I heard Sud say " I need some time to think". I was furiously indignant since I thought that should have been my line to use and promptly went back to fretfully chewing my nails.
When recounting this story my husband rubs his hands with glee and says that it was fun to have me chasing him for nearly two years. I smile wisely and reply that I have ensured that he do the same for the next twenty eight!


  1. Just to let you know..I am a constant follower of your blog :)

  2. Thank you Saket :). Always like hearing that!
